
Module for Post class.


class Post (subreddit: str, permalink: str, title: str, text: str, media: Union[Media, NoneType] = None)

Represents a Reddit post.


subreddit : str
Subreddit within which the post was created (or crossposted).
permalink : str
Reddit permalink of the post.
title : str
Title of the post.
text : str
Description of the post.
media : Media

(Default value = None)

Media associated with the post (if present), None otherwise. This determines the post type.


Get footer of the post.

This includes a link to the subreddit and a link to the post.

def get_msg(self) ‑> str

Get the full message of the post.

This includes post title, description and footer.

def get_type(self) ‑> ContentType

Return the post type: this is determined by the media type, if present.